Welcome to Ytils

Ytils is a collection of Open Source projects by Kim Schneider.

New: Ytils ShellYard, shell scripts to support NuGet package development.

Ytils RexMd

Ytils RexMd

RexMd is a Redaxo CMS Markdown add-on for writing article content with less distractions and powerful features.


Ytils Yupput

Ytils Yupput

Yupput is a JavaScript library for adding a popup input field to your applications that feels like Apple's Spotlight on macOS.


Ytils RexTarget

Ytils RexTarget

Ytils RexTarget is another add-on for the Redaxo CMS. RexTarget handles the attribute target of your links on pages where you have integrated the Redaxo variable REX_YTILS_REX_TARGET[].


Ytils JsMrg

Ytils JsMrg

JsMrg is a CLI tool to support development of JavaScript libraries. It has strong support for HTML string variables.


Ytils ShellYard

Ytils ShellYard

Shell script collection for different purposes. Currently focussed on .NET NuGet package development.


Kim Schneider


Kim is a lead software engineer from Kiel, Germany.
I'd be happy to hear from you on LinkedIn or Xing.

You are also welcome to visit my personal website (german language) schneidersit.de.