JsMrg is built on .NET (version 6+, tested with versions 6 and 8).
JsMrg simply knows in and out. The magic happens inside the input file. JsMrg analyzes the input file and searches for /**jsmrg (...) */ commands. JsMrg then generates the output file according to the commands within the input file.
Just launch JsMrg with dotnet application.jsmrg.ytils.com.dll <input‑file> <output‑file>.
JsMrg knows two basic commands. include and htmlvar.
Description: Loads the referred file's content and replaces the /** jsmrg (...) */ command inside the file that is operated by JsMrg. |
Usage: /**jsmrg include <file> */ This command does not have any options. |
Description: Loads the referred file's content for being used in string variables. |
Usage: /**jsmrg htmlvar <options> <file> <variable replacements> */ |
Options: |
escdoublequotes Escapes double quotes within the referred HTML file. |
escsinglequotes Escapes single quotes within the referred HTML file. |
lb2space Removes line breaks within the referred HTML and replaces them with a blank space. |
Variable replacements: With JsMrg you can inject JavaScript variables into your htmlVar-variables. Use {{<placeholders>}} within your HTML and add the variables to replace the placeholders at the end of your /**jsmrg (...) */ command. You must use a prefix to specify whether your placeholders are inserted with single or double quotes. |
%d%<variable> for a double quoted variable represented by a placeholder. For example: %d%foo replaces {{foo}} with " + foo + ". A small d for double quotes. |
%s%<variable> for a single quoted variable represented by a placeholder. For example: %s%bar replaces {{bar}} with ' + bar + '. A small s for single quotes. |